Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAbstractFactory< T >Abstract Factory pattern providing a creation function declaration
 CAbstractFactory< CoreServer >
 CAbstractFactory< MpiBackend >
 CAbstractFactory< SerialDevice >
 CEthernet::AddressEthernet network address
 CAllocatorMemory Allocator
 CAoutSymbolTableThe symbol table for a.out
 CAPIGeneric Kernel API implementation
 CApplicationGeneric application
 CApplicationLauncherHelper class to launch an external program
 CArgumentRepresents program command line argument
 CArgumentContainerGeneric command-line argument parser
 CArgumentParserGeneric command-line argument parser
 CARMControlARM System Control Coprocessor (CP15)
 CARMCoreClass representing an ARM processor core
 CARMExceptionARM exception handling functionality
 CARMFirstTableARM first level page table
 CARMSecondTableARM second level page table implementation
 CARP::ARPCacheARP table cache entry
 CATADriveRepresents a Drive on the ATA bus
 CBitArrayRepresents an array of bits
 CBootEntryExecutable entry for use inside a boot image
 CBootImageBootImage contains executable programs to be loaded at system bootup
 CBootSegmentMemory segment
 CBootSymbolProgram embedded in the BootImage
 CBroadcom2836Broadcom 2836 device specific I/O configuration
 CBroadcomGPIOBroadcom (2835) GPIO controller implementation
 CBroadcomMailboxBroadcom System-on-Chip Mailbox interface
 CBroadcomPowerBroadcom Power Management
 CHashTable< K, V >::BucketDescribes a bucket in the HashTable, for collision avoidance
 CBufferedFileProvides a buffered abstract interface to a file
 CCacheCache management interface
 CCallbackFunctionRepresents a callback function
 CChannelUnidirectional point-to-point messaging channel
 CChannelMessageBasic message format for sending on a Channel
 CChannelRegistryRegistration for Channels
 CChannelServer< Base, MsgType >Template class which serves incoming messages from Channels using MessageHandlers
 CChannelServer< CoreServer, CoreMessage >
 CChannelServer< DatastoreServer, DatastoreMessage >
 CChannelServer< FileSystemServer, FileSystemMessage >
 CChannelServer< RecoveryServer, RecoveryMessage >
 CComparable< T >Objects which can be compared to each other
 CComparable< Associative< IPV4::Address, ARP::ARPCache * > >
 CComparable< Associative< K, V > >
 CComparable< Associative< ProcessID, Channel * > >
 CComparable< Associative< ProcessID, HashTable< String, Address > * > >
 CComparable< Associative< String, Argument * > >
 CComparable< Associative< String, FileCache * > >
 CComparable< Associative< String, ShellCommand * > >
 CComparable< Associative< u16, UDPSocket * > >
 CComparable< Associative< u32, File * > >
 CComparable< Associative< u32, LinnInode * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< Argument * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< ATADrive * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< char > >
 CComparable< Sequence< Device * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< Dirent * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< FileSystemRequest * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< Handler * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< HashTable::Bucket > >
 CComparable< Sequence< InterruptHook * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< K > >
 CComparable< Sequence< LinnGroup * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< List< HashTable::Bucket > > >
 CComparable< Sequence< List< InterruptHook * > * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< List< Process * > * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< MpiHost::Packet * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< Process * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< ProcessID > >
 CComparable< Sequence< Size > >
 CComparable< Sequence< String * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< String > >
 CComparable< Sequence< T > >
 CComparable< Sequence< TestInstance * > >
 CComparable< Sequence< uint > >
 CConstIterator< T >Abstracts an iteration process for a constant
 CConstIterator< V >
 CContainerContainers provide access to stored items
 CCoreClientCoreClient provides a simple interface to a CoreServer
 CCoreInfoPer-Core information structure
 CCoreManagerGeneric Core Manager
 CCPURegsStructure represents the pusha/popa format
 CCPUStateContains all the CPU registers
 CDatastoreClientDatastore client
 CDeviceIDDescribes a device ID number
 CDIRA type representing a directory stream
 CDirectoryScannerScan directory for automated tests
 CDirentDescribes an entry inside a Directory
 CdirentRepresents a directory entry
 CELFHeaderDescribes an ELF executable and must be placed at the beginning of executable programs
 CElfSectionHeaderTableThe section header table for ELF
 CELFSegmentELF program segment in the executable file
 CFileDescriptor::EntryDescribes a single file opened by a user process
 CExecutableFormatAbstraction class of various executable formats
 CIntelACPI::ExtendedSystemTableExtended System Descriptor Table (XSDT)
 CFactory< T >Factory design pattern providing a standard creation function
 CFileRepresents a file present on a FileSystem
 CFILEA structure containing information about a file
 CFileCacheCached in-memory file
 CFileSystem::FileStatContains file information
 CFileSystemClientFileSystemClient provides a simple interface to a FileSystemServer
 CFileSystemMountRepresents a mounted filesystem
 CFileSystemPathSimple filesystem path parser
 CFileSystemRequestEncapsulates a pending FileSystemMessage
 CSun8iEmac::FrameDescriptorTransmit/receive frame descriptor
 CMpiProxy::HeaderPacket payload header for MPI messages via IP/UDP
 CUDP::HeaderPacket header format
 CDhcpClient::HeaderProtocol packet header
 CARP::HeaderARP network packet header
 CEthernet::HeaderEthernet network packet header
 CICMP::HeaderPacket header format
 CIPV4::HeaderIP network packet header
 CIdentifyDataIDENTIFY data presentation
 CIndex< T, N >Index is a N-sized array of pointers to items of type T
 CIndex< ChannelClient::Request, MaximumRequests >
 CIndex< CoreInfo, MaxCores >
 CIndex< Device, MaximumDevices >
 CIndex< ExternalTest, MaximumExternalTests >
 CIndex< ICMPSocket, MaxIcmpSockets >
 CIndex< List< Device * >, MaximumInterrupts >
 CIndex< List< MpiHost::Packet * >, MaximumNodes >
 CIndex< MemoryChannel, MaxCores >
 CIndex< MemoryChannel, MaximumChannels >
 CIndex< MessageHandler< IPCHandlerFunction >, MaximumHandlerCount >
 CIndex< MessageHandler< IRQHandlerFunction >, MaximumHandlerCount >
 CIndex< MpiHost::Node, MaximumNodes >
 CIndex< NetworkQueue::Packet, MaxPackets >
 CIndex< NetworkQueue::Packet, NetworkQueue::MaxPackets >
 CIndex< Process, MAX_PROCS >
 CIndex< ProcessShares::MemoryShare, MaximumMemoryShares >
 CIndex< Sun8iEmac::FrameDescriptor, NetworkQueue::MaxPackets >
 CIndex< UDPSocket, MaxUdpSockets >
 CTimer::InfoTimer information structure
 CProcessClient::InfoProcess information
 CIntControllerInterrupt controller interface
 CIntelCoreIntel CPU Core
 CIntelPageDirectoryIntel page directory implementation
 CIntelPageTableIntel second level page table implementation
 CInterruptHookInterrupt hook class
 CIOGeneric I/O functions
 CIOBufferAbstract Input/Output buffer
 CiovecInput/Output vector for multi-packet operations
 CIRQRegs0Privileged Interrupt Registers (ring 0)
 CIRQRegs3Unprivileged Interrupt Registers (ring 3)
 CIterator< T >Abstracts an iteration process
 CIterator< K >
 CIterator< V >
 CLinnCreateClass for creating new Linnenbank FileSystems
 CLinnDirectoryEntryStruct of an directory entry in LinnFS
 CLinnGroupStructure of a group descriptor
 CLinnInodeStructure of an inode on the disk in the LinnFS filesystem
 CLinnSuperBlockLinnenbank Filesystem (LinnFS) super block
 CLz4DecompressorDecompress data using the LZ4 algorithm created by Yann Collet
 CMemoryBlockMemory block operations class
 CMemoryContextVirtual memory abstract interface
 CMemoryMapDescribes virtual memory map layout
 CMessageHandler< Func >Message handler function (dummy) container
 CMessageHandler< IPCHandlerFunction >
 CMessageHandler< IRQHandlerFunction >
 CIntelMP::MPConfigMultiprocessor Configuration Structure
 CIntelMP::MPEntryMultiprocessor Configuration Entry
 CIntelMP::MPFloatMultiprocessor Floating Structure
 CmsghdrDescribes one or more datagrams
 CMultibootInfoThe Multiboot information
 CMultibootMemoryMapThe MultiBoot memory map
 CMultibootModuleThe module class
 CIntelACPI::MultipleAPICTableMultiple APIC Description Table (MADT)
 CIntelACPI::MultipleAPICTableEntryMultiple APIC Description Table (MADT) entry
 CIntelACPI::MultipleAPICTableProcMultiple APIC Description Table (MADT) processor entry
 CNetworkClientNetworking Client implementation
 CNetworkQueueNetworking packet queue implementation
 CMpiHost::NodeDescribes a remote CPU node accessible via MPI
 CList< T >::NodeRepresents an item on the List
 CPoolAllocator::ObjectPostfixAppended in memory after each object
 CPoolAllocator::ObjectPrefixThis data structure is prepended in memory before each object
 CMpiHost::PacketDescribes data received via UDP
 CNetworkQueue::PacketRepresents a network packet
 CNetworkClient::PacketInfoDescribes a single packet
 CProcessRepresents a process which may run on the host
 CProcessClientProcessClient provides information about all processes on the local core
 CProcessEventRepresents a process which may run on the host
 CProcessInfoProcess information structure, used for Info
 CProcessManagerRepresents a process which may run on the host
 CProcessSharesManages memory shares for a Process
 CIPV4::PseudoHeaderPseudo Header
 CRandomizerProduces random integers using the Linear congruential generator algorithm
 CAllocator::RangeDescribes a range of memory
 CMemory::RangeMemory range
 CRecoveryClientRecoveryClient provides a simple interface to the local core's RecoveryServer
 CExecutableFormat::RegionMemory region
 CChannelClient::RequestHolds an outgoing request
 CMemoryChannel::RingHeadDefines in-memory ring header
 CIntelACPI::RootSystemDescriptor1Root System Description Pointer (ACPI v1.0)
 CIntelACPI::RootSystemDescriptor2Root System Description Pointer (ACPI v2.0)
 CIntelACPI::RootSystemTableRoot System Descriptor Table (RSDT)
 CSchedulerResponsible for deciding which Process may execute on the local Core
 CSegmentSegment descriptor used in the GDT
 CSegRegsSegmentation registers
 CShellCommandBuiltin command for the Shell
 CsockaddrDefines a socket address and port pair
 CNetworkClient::SocketInfoSocket information
 CstatThe <sys/stat.h> header shall define the stat structure
 CStorageProvides a storage device to build filesystems on top
 CStrictSingleton< T >Singleton design pattern: only one instance is allowed
 CStrictSingleton< ChannelClient >
 CStrictSingleton< FileDescriptor >
 CStrictSingleton< TestSuite >
 CSunxiClockControlAllwinner Clock Control Unit (CCU)
 CSunxiPowerManagementAllwinner Power, Reset and Clock Management (PRCM) module
 CSunxiSystemControlAllwinner System Control (SYSCON) module
 CSystemClockProvides an abstract interface to the system clock
 CIntelACPI::SystemDescriptorHeaderSystem Descriptor Header (ACPI v3.0)
 CSystemInformationSystem information structure
 CTestData< T >Generate test data for a certain data type
 CTestInstanceRepresents a test instance
 CTestReporterResponsible for outputting test results
 CTestResultRepresents a Test result created by a TestInstance
 CTestRunnerReponsible for discovering and running tests
 CTimerRepresents a configurable timer device
 CtimespecThe <time.h> header shall declare the timespec structure
 CtimevalTime value information
 CtimezoneTime zone information
 CTSSIntel's Task State Segment
 CutsnameSystem name structure
 CFileSystem::WaitSetProvides information about an inode
 CWeakSingleton< T >Singleton design pattern: only one instance is allowed
 CWeakSingleton< Kernel >
 CWeakSingleton< Log >