Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAbstractFactoryAbstract Factory pattern providing a creation function declaration
 CAllocatorMemory Allocator
 CAoutSymbolTableThe symbol table for a.out
 CAPIGeneric Kernel API implementation
 CApplicationGeneric application
 CApplicationLauncherHelper class to launch an external program
 CArgumentRepresents program command line argument
 CArgumentContainerGeneric command-line argument parser
 CArgumentParserGeneric command-line argument parser
 CARMCacheV6ARMv6 cache management implementation
 CARMCacheV7ARMv7 cache management implementation
 CARMControlARM System Control Coprocessor (CP15)
 CARMCoreClass representing an ARM processor core
 CARMExceptionARM exception handling functionality
 CARMFirstTableARM first level page table
 CARMGenericInterruptARM Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC) version 2
 CARMIOInput/Output operations specific to the ARM architecture
 CARMKernelRepresents the ARM kernel implementation
 CARMMapMemory mapping for the kernel and user processes on the ARM architecture
 CARMPagingARM virtual memory implementation
 CARMProcessARM specific process implementation
 CARMSecondTableARM second level page table implementation
 CARMTimerARM Generic Timer
 CARPAddress Resolution Protocol
 CARPSocketAddress Resolution Protocol (ARP) socket
 CArrayThis is a wrapper class for a fixed size array
 CAssociativeAssociatives are containers that provide a mapping of keys to values
 CATAControllerAT Attachment (ATA) Host Controller Device
 CATADriveRepresents a Drive on the ATA bus
 CBenchMarkPerform system benchmarking tests
 CBitAllocatorBit memory allocator
 CBitArrayRepresents an array of bits
 CBootEntryExecutable entry for use inside a boot image
 CBootImageBootImage contains executable programs to be loaded at system bootup
 CBootImageCreateCreate system boot image
 CBootImageStorageUses a BootImage as a storage provider
 CBootSegmentMemory segment
 CBootSymbolProgram embedded in the BootImage
 CBootSymbolStorageUses a BootSymbol inside a BootImage as a storage provider
 CBroadcom2836Broadcom 2836 device specific I/O configuration
 CBroadcomGPIOBroadcom (2835) GPIO controller implementation
 CBroadcomInterruptRaspberry Pi Interrupt Controller implementation
 CBroadcomMailboxBroadcom System-on-Chip Mailbox interface
 CBroadcomPowerBroadcom Power Management
 CBroadcomTimerBroadcom System-on-Chip system timer
 CBubbleAllocatorKeeps growing allocated memory, and can't actually free memory (hence the name)
 CBufferedFileProvides a buffered abstract interface to a file
 CCacheCache management interface
 CCallbackAbstraction for providing a callback function to a object instance
 CCallbackFunctionRepresents a callback function
 CCatConcatenate files to standard output
 CChangeDirCommandChange the current working directory
 CChannelUnidirectional point-to-point messaging channel
 CChannelClientClient for using Channels on the local processor
 CChannelMessageBasic message format for sending on a Channel
 CChannelRegistryRegistration for Channels
 CChannelServerTemplate class which serves incoming messages from Channels using MessageHandlers
 CComparableObjects which can be compared to each other
 CConstHashIteratorIterate through a constant (read-only) HashTable
 CConstIteratorAbstracts an iteration process for a constant
 CContainerContainers provide access to stored items
 CCoreClientCoreClient provides a simple interface to a CoreServer
 CCoreInfoPer-Core information structure
 CCoreManagerGeneric Core Manager
 CCoreMessageMessage format for communication with the CoreServer
 CCoreServerRepresents a single Core in a Central Processing Unit (CPU)
 CCPURegsStructure represents the pusha/popa format
 CCPUStateContains all the CPU registers
 CCreateFileCreate new files on the filesystem
 CDatastoreClientDatastore client
 CDatastoreMessageDatastore IPC message
 CDatastoreServerDatastore Server
 CDecompressDecompress a compressed file
 CDeviceAbstract device class interface
 CDeviceIDDescribes a device ID number
 CDeviceLogGeneric logger that writes to a Device object
 CDeviceServerDevice driver server
 CDhcpClientDynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client application
 CDIRA type representing a directory stream
 CDirectoryDirectory File functionality
 CDirectoryScannerScan directory for automated tests
 CDirentDescribes an entry inside a Directory
 CdirentRepresents a directory entry
 CEchoEcho standard input to output
 CELFExecutable and Linkable Format (ELF)
 CELFHeaderDescribes an ELF executable and must be placed at the beginning of executable programs
 CElfSectionHeaderTableThe section header table for ELF
 CELFSegmentELF program segment in the executable file
 CEthernetEthernet networking protocol
 CEthernetAddressEthernet address file
 CExecutableFormatAbstraction class of various executable formats
 CExitCommandExit the Shell
 CExternalTestRepresents external test program
 CFactoryFactory design pattern providing a standard creation function
 CFileRepresents a file present on a FileSystem
 CFILEA structure containing information about a file
 CFileCacheCached in-memory file
 CFileDescriptorAbstracts files which are opened by a user process
 CFileStatusRetrieve file status from the filesystem
 CFileStorageUse a file as Storage provider
 CFileSystemClientFileSystemClient provides a simple interface to a FileSystemServer
 CFileSystemMessageFileSystem IPC message
 CFileSystemMountRepresents a mounted filesystem
 CFileSystemPathSimple filesystem path parser
 CFileSystemRequestEncapsulates a pending FileSystemMessage
 CFileSystemServerAbstract filesystem class
 CHashIteratorIterate through a HashTable
 CHashTableEfficient key -> value lookups
 CHelpCommandPrints the help info for all known ShellCommands
 CHostnamePrint the system hostname
 Ci8250I8250 serial UART
 CICMPInternet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
 CICMPFactoryInternet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) factory
 CICMPSocketInternet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) socket
 CIdentifyDataIDENTIFY data presentation
 CIndexIndex is a N-sized array of pointers to items of type T
 CInitInitialize system processes
 CIntControllerInterrupt controller interface
 CIntelACPIIntel Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)
 CIntelAPICIntel Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC)
 CIntelCacheIntel cache management implementation
 CIntelCoreIntel CPU Core
 CIntelCoreServerRepresents a single Core in a Central Processing Unit (CPU)
 CIntelIOIntel I/O functions
 CIntelKernelImplements an x86 compatible kernel
 CIntelMapDefines memory map for Intel systems
 CIntelMPIntel Multi-Processor Specification
 CIntelPageDirectoryIntel page directory implementation
 CIntelPageTableIntel second level page table implementation
 CIntelPagingIntel virtual memory implementation
 CIntelPICIntel 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC)
 CIntelPITIntel 8254 Programmable Interrupt Timer (PIT)
 CIntelProcessProcess which may execute on an Intel CPU
 CInterruptHookInterrupt hook class
 CIOGeneric I/O functions
 CIOBufferAbstract Input/Output buffer
 CiovecInput/Output vector for multi-packet operations
 CIPV4Internet Protocol Version 4
 CIPV4AddressIPV4 address file
 CIRQRegs0Privileged Interrupt Registers (ring 0)
 CIRQRegs3Unprivileged Interrupt Registers (ring 3)
 CIteratorAbstracts an iteration process
 CKernelFreeNOS kernel implementation
 CKernelLogLog to the kernel using PrivExec()
 CKernelTimerProvides the timer of the kernel
 CKeyboardPS2 Keyboard device driver
 CLinnCreateClass for creating new Linnenbank FileSystems
 CLinnDirectoryRepresents an directory on a LinnFS filesystem
 CLinnDirectoryEntryStruct of an directory entry in LinnFS
 CLinnFileRepresents a file on a mounted LinnFS filesystem
 CLinnFileSystemLinnenbank FileSystem (LinnFS)
 CLinnGroupStructure of a group descriptor
 CLinnInodeStructure of an inode on the disk in the LinnFS filesystem
 CLinnSuperBlockLinnenbank Filesystem (LinnFS) super block
 CListSimple linked list template class
 CListFilesList files on the filesystem
 CListIteratorIterate through a List
 CLocalTestRepresents test inside the same process
 CLogLogging class
 CLoginLogin program which starts the user shell
 CLogLevelFileProvides a File abstraction of the current Log::Level
 CLoopbackLoopback network device implementation
 CLz4DecompressorDecompress data using the LZ4 algorithm created by Yann Collet
 CMakeNodeCreate new device file node
 CMemoryBlockMemory block operations class
 CMemoryChannelUnidirectional point-to-point channel using shared memory
 CMemoryContextVirtual memory abstract interface
 CMemoryMapDescribes virtual memory map layout
 CMessageHandlerMessage handler function (dummy) container
 CMountMount filesystems on the system
 CMpiBackendRepresents a Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementation backend
 CMpiHostImplements a MPI backend for the host OS which communicates with mpiproxy servers
 CMpiPingSend a ping message via MPI to all available nodes
 CMpiPrimeCalculate prime numbers in parallel
 CMpiProxyServer that bridges IP/UDP to local MPI communication channels
 CMpiTargetImplements a Message Passing Interface (MPI) for communication between local cores
 CmsghdrDescribes one or more datagrams
 CMultibootInfoThe Multiboot information
 CMultibootMemoryMapThe MultiBoot memory map
 CMultibootModuleThe module class
 CNetCatNetwork send/receive (cat) application
 CNetCtlNetwork interface control application
 CNetPingNetwork ping/pong application
 CNetSendDiagnostic program for sending network packets
 CNetworkClientNetworking Client implementation
 CNetworkDeviceNetwork Device abstract class
 CNetworkProtocolNetwork protocol abstraction class
 CNetworkQueueNetworking packet queue implementation
 CNetworkServerNetworking server
 CNetworkSocketNetwork socket represents a single logical connection on a protocol
 CNS16550The NS16550 is a commonly available UART device
 CPageAllocatorAllocates virtual memory using the memory server
 CPL011The PL011 is a commonly available UART device frequently found in ARM systems
 CPoolAllocatorMemory allocator which uses pools that each manage same-sized objects
 CPOSIXApplicationPOSIX-compatible application
 CProcessRepresents a process which may run on the host
 CProcessClientProcessClient provides information about all processes on the local core
 CProcessEventRepresents a process which may run on the host
 CProcessInfoProcess information structure, used for Info
 CProcessListOutput the system process list
 CProcessManagerRepresents a process which may run on the host
 CProcessSharesManages memory shares for a Process
 CPseudoFilePseudo files only exist in memory
 CQueueArray of items as a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) datastructure
 CRandomizerProduces random integers using the Linear congruential generator algorithm
 CRaspberryKernelRepresents the Raspberry Pi kernel implementation
 CRecoveryClientRecoveryClient provides a simple interface to the local core's RecoveryServer
 CRecoveryMessageRecovery IPC message
 CRecoveryServerRecovery Server
 CRemoveRemove file from the filesystem
 CSchedulerResponsible for deciding which Process may execute on the local Core
 CSegmentSegment descriptor used in the GDT
 CSegRegsSegmentation registers
 CSequenceSequences are containers that provide indexed based storage of items
 CSerialDeviceProvides sequential byte stream of incoming (RX) and outgoing (TX) data
 CShellSystem command shell interpreter
 CShellCommandBuiltin command for the Shell
 CShutdownTurn off or restart the system
 CSievePrimeCompute prime numbers using the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm
 CSingleCoreServerImplements a CoreServer for a single core only
 CSleepStop executing for some time
 CsockaddrDefines a socket address and port pair
 CSplitAllocatorAllocator which separates kernel mapped memory at virtual and physical addresses
 CstatThe <sys/stat.h> header shall define the stat structure
 CStdioCommandChange the standard Input/Output of the shell
 CStdioLogLog to standard output
 CStdoutReporterOutput TestResults to standard output
 CStorageProvides a storage device to build filesystems on top
 CStrictSingletonSingleton design pattern: only one instance is allowed
 CStringAbstraction of strings
 CSun8iEmacNetwork device of the Allwinner Sun8i family System-on-Chips
 CSunxiClockControlAllwinner Clock Control Unit (CCU)
 CSunxiCoreServerImplements a CoreServer for ARM/Allwinner (sunxi) based System-on-Chips
 CSunxiCpuConfigAllwinner sunxi CPU configuration module support
 CSunxiKernelRepresents the Sunxi kernel implementation
 CSunxiPowerManagementAllwinner Power, Reset and Clock Management (PRCM) module
 CSunxiSystemControlAllwinner System Control (SYSCON) module
 CSysControlControl program for various system services
 CSysInfoPrint global system information
 CSystemClockProvides an abstract interface to the system clock
 CSystemInformationSystem information structure
 CTAPReporterOutput TestResults in TAP format to stdout
 CTerminalA Terminal enables user to interact with the system
 CTestCharGenerate test data for character strings
 CTestDataGenerate test data for a certain data type
 CTestInstanceRepresents a test instance
 CTestIntGenerate test data for integers
 CTestReporterResponsible for outputting test results
 CTestResultRepresents a Test result created by a TestInstance
 CTestRunnerReponsible for discovering and running tests
 CTestSuiteMaintains a list of test instances
 CTimeSystem Time server
 CTimeCommandMeasure the execution time of a program
 CTimerRepresents a configurable timer device
 CtimespecThe <time.h> header shall declare the timespec structure
 CtimevalTime value information
 CtimezoneTime zone information
 CTmpFileSystemTemporary filesystem (TmpFS)
 CTSSIntel's Task State Segment
 CUDPUser Datagram Protocol (UDP)
 CUDPFactoryUser Datagram Protocol (UDP)
 CUDPSocketUser Datagram Protocol (UDP) socket
 CUnixNamePrint the operating system name
 CutsnameSystem name structure
 CVectorVectors are dynamically resizeable Arrays
 CVGAVideo Graphics Array (VGA) support
 CWeakSingletonSingleton design pattern: only one instance is allowed
 CWriteCommandWrite data to a file
 CXMLReporterOutput TestResults to standard output in XML format