►NFileSystem | |
►NMemory | |
C__teken | |
CAbstractFactory | Abstract Factory pattern providing a creation function declaration |
►CAllocator | Memory Allocator |
CAoutSymbolTable | The symbol table for a.out |
CAPI | Generic Kernel API implementation |
CApplication | Generic application |
CApplicationLauncher | Helper class to launch an external program |
CArgument | Represents program command line argument |
CArgumentContainer | Generic command-line argument parser |
CArgumentParser | Generic command-line argument parser |
CARMCacheV6 | ARMv6 cache management implementation |
CARMCacheV7 | ARMv7 cache management implementation |
CARMControl | ARM System Control Coprocessor (CP15) |
CARMCore | Class representing an ARM processor core |
CARMException | ARM exception handling functionality |
CARMFirstTable | ARM first level page table |
CARMGenericInterrupt | ARM Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC) version 2 |
CARMIO | Input/Output operations specific to the ARM architecture |
CARMKernel | Represents the ARM kernel implementation |
CARMMap | Memory mapping for the kernel and user processes on the ARM architecture |
CARMPaging | ARM virtual memory implementation |
CARMProcess | ARM specific process implementation |
CARMSecondTable | ARM second level page table implementation |
CARMTimer | ARM Generic Timer |
►CARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
CARPSocket | Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) socket |
CArray | This is a wrapper class for a fixed size array |
CAssociative | Associatives are containers that provide a mapping of keys to values |
CATAController | AT Attachment (ATA) Host Controller Device |
CATADrive | Represents a Drive on the ATA bus |
CBenchMark | Perform system benchmarking tests |
CBitAllocator | Bit memory allocator |
CBitArray | Represents an array of bits |
CBootEntry | Executable entry for use inside a boot image |
CBootImage | BootImage contains executable programs to be loaded at system bootup |
CBootImageCreate | Create system boot image |
CBootImageStorage | Uses a BootImage as a storage provider |
CBootSegment | Memory segment |
CBootSymbol | Program embedded in the BootImage |
CBootSymbolStorage | Uses a BootSymbol inside a BootImage as a storage provider |
CBroadcom2836 | Broadcom 2836 device specific I/O configuration |
CBroadcomGPIO | Broadcom (2835) GPIO controller implementation |
CBroadcomInterrupt | Raspberry Pi Interrupt Controller implementation |
CBroadcomMailbox | Broadcom System-on-Chip Mailbox interface |
CBroadcomPower | Broadcom Power Management |
CBroadcomTimer | Broadcom System-on-Chip system timer |
CBubbleAllocator | Keeps growing allocated memory, and can't actually free memory (hence the name) |
CBufferedFile | Provides a buffered abstract interface to a file |
CCache | Cache management interface |
CCallback | Abstraction for providing a callback function to a object instance |
CCallbackFunction | Represents a callback function |
CCat | Concatenate files to standard output |
CChangeDirCommand | Change the current working directory |
CChannel | Unidirectional point-to-point messaging channel |
►CChannelClient | Client for using Channels on the local processor |
CChannelMessage | Basic message format for sending on a Channel |
CChannelRegistry | Registration for Channels |
CChannelServer | Template class which serves incoming messages from Channels using MessageHandlers |
CComparable | Objects which can be compared to each other |
CConstHashIterator | Iterate through a constant (read-only) HashTable |
CConstIterator | Abstracts an iteration process for a constant |
CContainer | Containers provide access to stored items |
CCoreClient | CoreClient provides a simple interface to a CoreServer |
CCoreInfo | Per-Core information structure |
CCoreManager | Generic Core Manager |
CCoreMessage | Message format for communication with the CoreServer |
CCoreServer | Represents a single Core in a Central Processing Unit (CPU) |
CCPURegs | Structure represents the pusha/popa format |
CCPUState | Contains all the CPU registers |
CCreateFile | Create new files on the filesystem |
CDatastoreClient | Datastore client |
CDatastoreMessage | Datastore IPC message |
CDatastoreServer | Datastore Server |
CDecompress | Decompress a compressed file |
CDevice | Abstract device class interface |
CDeviceID | Describes a device ID number |
CDeviceLog | Generic logger that writes to a Device object |
CDeviceServer | Device driver server |
►CDhcpClient | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client application |
CDIR | A type representing a directory stream |
CDirectory | Directory File functionality |
CDirectoryScanner | Scan directory for automated tests |
CDirent | Describes an entry inside a Directory |
Cdirent | Represents a directory entry |
CEcho | Echo standard input to output |
CELF | Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) |
CELFHeader | Describes an ELF executable and must be placed at the beginning of executable programs |
CElfSectionHeaderTable | The section header table for ELF |
CELFSegment | ELF program segment in the executable file |
►CEthernet | Ethernet networking protocol |
CEthernetAddress | Ethernet address file |
►CExecutableFormat | Abstraction class of various executable formats |
CExitCommand | Exit the Shell |
CExternalTest | Represents external test program |
CFactory | Factory design pattern providing a standard creation function |
CFile | Represents a file present on a FileSystem |
CFILE | A structure containing information about a file |
CFileCache | Cached in-memory file |
►CFileDescriptor | Abstracts files which are opened by a user process |
CFileStatus | Retrieve file status from the filesystem |
CFileStorage | Use a file as Storage provider |
CFileSystemClient | FileSystemClient provides a simple interface to a FileSystemServer |
CFileSystemMessage | FileSystem IPC message |
CFileSystemMount | Represents a mounted filesystem |
CFileSystemPath | Simple filesystem path parser |
CFileSystemRequest | Encapsulates a pending FileSystemMessage |
CFileSystemServer | Abstract filesystem class |
CHashIterator | Iterate through a HashTable |
►CHashTable | Efficient key -> value lookups |
CHelpCommand | Prints the help info for all known ShellCommands |
CHostname | Print the system hostname |
Ci8250 | I8250 serial UART |
►CICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) |
CICMPFactory | Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) factory |
CICMPSocket | Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) socket |
CIdentifyData | IDENTIFY data presentation |
CIndex | Index is a N-sized array of pointers to items of type T |
CInit | Initialize system processes |
CIntController | Interrupt controller interface |
►CIntelACPI | Intel Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) |
CIntelAPIC | Intel Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) |
CIntelCache | Intel cache management implementation |
CIntelCore | Intel CPU Core |
CIntelCoreServer | Represents a single Core in a Central Processing Unit (CPU) |
CIntelIO | Intel I/O functions |
CIntelKernel | Implements an x86 compatible kernel |
CIntelMap | Defines memory map for Intel systems |
►CIntelMP | Intel Multi-Processor Specification |
CIntelPageDirectory | Intel page directory implementation |
CIntelPageTable | Intel second level page table implementation |
CIntelPaging | Intel virtual memory implementation |
CIntelPIC | Intel 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) |
CIntelPIT | Intel 8254 Programmable Interrupt Timer (PIT) |
CIntelProcess | Process which may execute on an Intel CPU |
CInterruptHook | Interrupt hook class |
Cinterval | |
CIO | Generic I/O functions |
CIOBuffer | Abstract Input/Output buffer |
Ciovec | Input/Output vector for multi-packet operations |
►CIPV4 | Internet Protocol Version 4 |
CIPV4Address | IPV4 address file |
CIRQRegs0 | Privileged Interrupt Registers (ring 0) |
CIRQRegs3 | Unprivileged Interrupt Registers (ring 3) |
CIterator | Abstracts an iteration process |
CKernel | FreeNOS kernel implementation |
CKernelLog | Log to the kernel using PrivExec() |
CKernelTimer | Provides the timer of the kernel |
CKeyboard | PS2 Keyboard device driver |
CLinnCreate | Class for creating new Linnenbank FileSystems |
CLinnDirectory | Represents an directory on a LinnFS filesystem |
CLinnDirectoryEntry | Struct of an directory entry in LinnFS |
CLinnFile | Represents a file on a mounted LinnFS filesystem |
CLinnFileSystem | Linnenbank FileSystem (LinnFS) |
CLinnGroup | Structure of a group descriptor |
CLinnInode | Structure of an inode on the disk in the LinnFS filesystem |
CLinnSuperBlock | Linnenbank Filesystem (LinnFS) super block |
►CList | Simple linked list template class |
CListFiles | List files on the filesystem |
CListIterator | Iterate through a List |
CLocalTest | Represents test inside the same process |
CLog | Logging class |
CLogin | Login program which starts the user shell |
CLogLevelFile | Provides a File abstraction of the current Log::Level |
CLoopback | Loopback network device implementation |
CLz4Decompressor | Decompress data using the LZ4 algorithm created by Yann Collet |
CMakeNode | Create new device file node |
CMemoryBlock | Memory block operations class |
►CMemoryChannel | Unidirectional point-to-point channel using shared memory |
CMemoryContext | Virtual memory abstract interface |
CMemoryMap | Describes virtual memory map layout |
CMessageHandler | Message handler function (dummy) container |
CMount | Mount filesystems on the system |
CMpiBackend | Represents a Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementation backend |
►CMpiHost | Implements a MPI backend for the host OS which communicates with mpiproxy servers |
CMPIMessage | |
CMpiPing | Send a ping message via MPI to all available nodes |
CMpiPrime | Calculate prime numbers in parallel |
►CMpiProxy | Server that bridges IP/UDP to local MPI communication channels |
CMpiTarget | Implements a Message Passing Interface (MPI) for communication between local cores |
Cmsghdr | Describes one or more datagrams |
CMultibootInfo | The Multiboot information |
CMultibootMemoryMap | The MultiBoot memory map |
CMultibootModule | The module class |
CNetCat | Network send/receive (cat) application |
CNetCtl | Network interface control application |
CNetPing | Network ping/pong application |
CNetSend | Diagnostic program for sending network packets |
►CNetworkClient | Networking Client implementation |
CNetworkDevice | Network Device abstract class |
CNetworkProtocol | Network protocol abstraction class |
►CNetworkQueue | Networking packet queue implementation |
CNetworkServer | Networking server |
CNetworkSocket | Network socket represents a single logical connection on a protocol |
CNS16550 | The NS16550 is a commonly available UART device |
CPageAllocator | Allocates virtual memory using the memory server |
CPL011 | The PL011 is a commonly available UART device frequently found in ARM systems |
►CPoolAllocator | Memory allocator which uses pools that each manage same-sized objects |
CPOSIXApplication | POSIX-compatible application |
CProcess | Represents a process which may run on the host |
►CProcessClient | ProcessClient provides information about all processes on the local core |
CProcessEvent | Represents a process which may run on the host |
CProcessInfo | Process information structure, used for Info |
CProcessList | Output the system process list |
CProcessManager | Represents a process which may run on the host |
►CProcessShares | Manages memory shares for a Process |
CPseudoFile | Pseudo files only exist in memory |
CQueue | Array of items as a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) datastructure |
CRandomizer | Produces random integers using the Linear congruential generator algorithm |
CRaspberryKernel | Represents the Raspberry Pi kernel implementation |
CRecoveryClient | RecoveryClient provides a simple interface to the local core's RecoveryServer |
CRecoveryMessage | Recovery IPC message |
CRecoveryServer | Recovery Server |
CRemove | Remove file from the filesystem |
CScheduler | Responsible for deciding which Process may execute on the local Core |
CSegment | Segment descriptor used in the GDT |
CSegRegs | Segmentation registers |
CSequence | Sequences are containers that provide indexed based storage of items |
CSerialDevice | Provides sequential byte stream of incoming (RX) and outgoing (TX) data |
CShell | System command shell interpreter |
CShellCommand | Builtin command for the Shell |
CShutdown | Turn off or restart the system |
CSievePrime | Compute prime numbers using the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm |
CSingleCoreServer | Implements a CoreServer for a single core only |
CSleep | Stop executing for some time |
Csockaddr | Defines a socket address and port pair |
CSplitAllocator | Allocator which separates kernel mapped memory at virtual and physical addresses |
Cstat | The <sys/stat.h> header shall define the stat structure |
CStdioCommand | Change the standard Input/Output of the shell |
CStdioLog | Log to standard output |
CStdoutReporter | Output TestResults to standard output |
CStorage | Provides a storage device to build filesystems on top |
CStrictSingleton | Singleton design pattern: only one instance is allowed |
CString | Abstraction of strings |
►CSun8iEmac | Network device of the Allwinner Sun8i family System-on-Chips |
CSunxiClockControl | Allwinner Clock Control Unit (CCU) |
CSunxiCoreServer | Implements a CoreServer for ARM/Allwinner (sunxi) based System-on-Chips |
CSunxiCpuConfig | Allwinner sunxi CPU configuration module support |
CSunxiKernel | Represents the Sunxi kernel implementation |
CSunxiPowerManagement | Allwinner Power, Reset and Clock Management (PRCM) module |
CSunxiSystemControl | Allwinner System Control (SYSCON) module |
CSysControl | Control program for various system services |
CSysInfo | Print global system information |
CSystemClock | Provides an abstract interface to the system clock |
CSystemInformation | System information structure |
CTAPReporter | Output TestResults in TAP format to stdout |
Cteken_attr_t | |
Cteken_funcs_t | |
Cteken_pos_t | |
Cteken_rect_t | |
Cteken_span_t | |
CTerminal | A Terminal enables user to interact with the system |
CTestChar | Generate test data for character strings |
CTestData | Generate test data for a certain data type |
CTestInstance | Represents a test instance |
CTestInt | Generate test data for integers |
CTestReporter | Responsible for outputting test results |
CTestResult | Represents a Test result created by a TestInstance |
CTestRunner | Reponsible for discovering and running tests |
CTestSuite | Maintains a list of test instances |
CTime | System Time server |
CTimeCommand | Measure the execution time of a program |
►CTimer | Represents a configurable timer device |
Ctimespec | The <time.h> header shall declare the timespec structure |
Ctimeval | Time value information |
Ctimezone | Time zone information |
CTmpFileSystem | Temporary filesystem (TmpFS) |
CTSS | Intel's Task State Segment |
►CUDP | User Datagram Protocol (UDP) |
CUDPFactory | User Datagram Protocol (UDP) |
CUDPSocket | User Datagram Protocol (UDP) socket |
CUnixName | Print the operating system name |
Cutsname | System name structure |
CVector | Vectors are dynamically resizeable Arrays |
CVGA | Video Graphics Array (VGA) support |
CWeakSingleton | Singleton design pattern: only one instance is allowed |
CWriteCommand | Write data to a file |
CXMLReporter | Output TestResults to standard output in XML format |